Scarifiying / Lawn Care

What is scarifying?

Scarification is a thatch control and pruning technique which helps to keep the lawn healthy and promotes a thicker, lush lawn, reducing the risk of disease, weeds and moss issues.

What is thatch?

Over time your lawn develops thatch – a fibrous matter made up of dead parts of the grass plant including the crown, stolons and rhizomes. Without removing this dead matter your lawn will quickly deteriorate, making it especially vulnerable to moss, disease, weeds and stress in periods of drought.

Why can too much thatch be a problem?

If your lawn has too much thatch not only will it suffer from disease, weeds and poor water and nutrient penetration, left to its own devices thatch will start to build in your lawn where the grass starts rooting to it.

A lawn with a lot of thatch might feel spongey under foot, it could also be difficult to cut as the mower will sink into the lawn potentially causing scalping issues.

Once this happens your lawn is at a critical situation as the grass grows roots into the thatch to survive because this is where the water a nutrients are stored, not in the soil which will be dry and nutrient deficient.

What are the benefits of scarification?

  • Encourages a thicker, lusher and more resilient lawn
  • Reduces your lawns susceptibility to disease
  • Removes the dead matter from the surface of the lawn, helping it breathe
  • Refreshes a lawn, helping it to absorb water and nutrients more effectively
  • Helps reduce moss & weeds
  • Stops it becoming ‘spongy’
  • It is one of the most beneficial treatments that can be done to your lawn
Scarifiying / Lawn Care